Associated Topics

Lifestyle migration and amenity migration

BARTOŠ, M., KUŠOVÁ, D., TĚŠITEL, J., a kol. (2011): Amenitní migrace do venkovských oblastí České republiky. Nakladatelství Lesnická práce, Kostelec nad Černými lesy, 196 s.

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Librová, H., Galčanová, L., Pelikán, V., & Kala, L. (2017). Věrní a rozumní: kapitoly o ekologické zpozdilosti. Masarykova univerzita.

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Šimon, Martin. 2014. „Exploring Counterurbanisation in a Post-Socialist Context: Case of the Czech Republic.“ Sociologia ruralis 54(2): 117-142.

Counterurbanisation: rhythms, identities, homes

Benson, M. (2016). Lifestyle migration: Expectations, aspirations and experiences. Routledge.

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O’Reilly, K., & Benson, M. (2009). Lifestyle migration: escaping to the good life?. © Ashgate

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Benson, M., & Osbaldiston, N. (Eds.). (2014). Understanding lifestyle migration: Theoretical approaches to migration and the quest for a better way of life. Springer.

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Osbaldiston, N. (2018). Introduction: Towards a Sociology of Coasts. In Towards a Sociology of the Coast (pp. 1-12). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

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Osbaldiston, N. (2012). Seeking authenticity in place, culture, and the self: the great urban escape. Springer.

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Moss, L. A. (Ed.). (2006). The amenity migrants: Seeking and sustaining mountains and their cultures. Cabi.

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Castells, M. (1983). The city and the grassroots: a cross-cultural theory of urban social movements (No. 7). Univ of California Press.

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Lefebvre, H., & Nicholson-Smith, D. (1991). The production of space (Vol. 142). Blackwell: Oxford.

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Use of mixed methodology for exploring motivation – Reason Analysis

Rossi, P. H. (1955). Why families move: A study in the social psychology of urban residential mobility. Free Press.

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Lazarsfeld, P. F. (1935). The art of asking WHY in marketing research: three principles underlying the formulation of questionnaires. National marketing review, 26-38.

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Mishler, E. G. (1991). Research interviewing: Context and narrative. Harvard university press.

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Ely, M., Anzul, M., Freidman, T., Garner, D., & McCormack-Steinmetz, A. (1991). Doing qualitative research: Circles within circles (Vol. 3). Psychology Press.

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Barriball, K. L., & While, A. (1994). Collecting data using a semi-structured interview: a discussion paper. Journal of Advanced Nursing-Institutional Subscription, 19(2), 328-335.

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Kadushin, C. (2012). Understanding social networks: Theories, concepts, and findings. Oup Usa.

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Media and its influence on the society and decision process of individualities and groups

Weimann, G. (1994). The influentials: People who influence people. SUNY Press.

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(Weimann, G. (1999). Communicating unreality: Modern media and the reconstruction of reality. Sage Publications.)

Perse, E. M., & Lambe, J. L. (2017). Media Effects and Society (2nd Edition). New York: Routledge.

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Shoemaker, P. J., & Reese, S. D. (2014). Mediating the Message in the 21st Century: A Media Sociology Perspective. New York: Routledge.

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Reese, S. D., & Shoemaker, P. J. (2016). A Media Sociology for the Networked Public Sphere: The Hierarchy of Influences Model. Mass Communication & Society, 5436(July), 1–39.

(A chapter in the book Advances in Foundational Mass Communication Theories)

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Herman, E. S., & Chomsky, N. (2010). Manufacturing consent: The political economy of the mass media. Random House.

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Burton, G. (2010). Media and society: Critical perspectives. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

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Curran, J. (2010). Media and society. Bloomsbury Publishing.

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Bourdieu, P. 1979. Public Opinion Does Not Exist, in A. Mattelart and S. Siegelaub (eds.) in

Communication and Class Struggle. New York: International General.

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Bauman, Z. (2013). The art of life. John Wiley & Sons

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Beck, U. and Beck-Gernsheim, E. 2002. Individualization, London: Sage.

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Seligman, M. E. (2012). Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. Simon and Schuster.

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Diener, E. 2000. Subjective well-being: The science of happiness and a proposal for a national

index. American psychologist, 55(1), 34.Springer

Diener, E., Seligman, P. 2002. Very happy people. Psychological Science, 13, 80-83.

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Fave, D. A., Brdar I., Freire T., Vella-Brodrick, D., Wissing P. M. 2010. The Eudaimonic and

Hedonic Components of Happiness: Qualitative and Quantitative Findigs. Social Indicators

Research 100: 185-207. DOI 10.1007/s11205-010-9632-5.

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Motivation in sociology

Maslow, A. H. (2013). Toward a psychology of being. Simon and Schuster

Maslow, A. H. (1981). Motivation and personality. Prabhat Prakashan.

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Alsted, J. (2005). A model of human motivation for sociology. P. Lang.

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Jansen, C. J. (2016). Readings in the Sociology of Migration: The Commonwealth and International Library: Readings in Sociology. Elsevier.

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Emmet, D. (1976). Motivation in sociology and social anthropology. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour.

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Smith, C. P., Atkinson, J. W., McClelland, D. C., & Veroff, J. (Eds.). (1992). Motivation and personality: Handbook of thematic content analysis. Cambridge University Press.

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Turner, J. (1987). Toward a Sociological Theory of Motivation. American Sociological Review, 52(1), 15-27. Retrieved November 9, 2020, from

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