Amenity Migration to Rural Areas of the Czech Republic


The book (Amenitní Migrace do venkovských oblastí České republiky) Amenity Migration to Rural Areas of the Czech Republic, published in 2011, deals with the phenomenon of amenity migration to rural areas of the Czech Republic. The author team led by Michael Bartos from the Institute for Regional Studies of Masaryk University in Brno analyses the causes, course and consequences of this migration.

The book is divided into five chapters.

In the first chapter, the authors discuss the general definition of migration and its types. In the second chapter they focus on amenity migration, its definition, causes and course. The third chapter deals with the specifics of amenity migration to rural areas of the Czech Republic. The fourth chapter analyses the implications of utility migration for rural areas. The fifth chapter summarises the main conclusions of the book.

In the first chapter, the authors define migration as the movement of people from one place to another. Migration can be divided into several types, according to different criteria. Depending on the reason for migration, one can distinguish economic, political, religious, ecological and other types of migration. According to the direction of migration, migration within the country, migration abroad and migration back to the country can be distinguished.

In the second chapter, the authors discuss amenity migration. By amenity migration they mean migration that is motivated by an interest in a particular environment or conditions that are available in the destination area. The most common amenity motives include:

  • natural environment (silence, peace, clean air, water, landscape)
  • lifestyle (less stress, more time for family and leisure activities)
  • the possibility of owning your own home
  • lower housing costs

The third chapter focuses on the specifics of utilitarian migration to rural areas of the Czech Republic. The authors state that in the Czech Republic, utility migration to rural areas began to develop in the 1990s. In recent years, its intensity has been increasing.

Amenity migration to rural areas of the Czech Republic has several specific features:

It is mainly migration of young people with higher education and income.
Amenity migration is often associated with a return to the native area.
Amenity migrants are often involved in local life, for example in associations, cultural activities or politics.

The fourth chapter analyses the implications of utility migration for rural areas. The authors argue that utility migration can have both positive and negative consequences.

The positive consequences of utility migration include:

  • Increasing population in rural areas, which can lead to economic development and improved access to services.
  • Increased concern for the environment and sustainable development.
  • Revitalisation of local culture and social life.

Negative consequences of utility migration include:

  • Increasing property prices, which can lead to displacement of indigenous people.
  • Increasing traffic congestion in rural areas.
  • Increasing competition in the labour market, which can lead to lower wages.

Chapter Five summarises the main conclusions of the book. The authors argue that utility migration is an important phenomenon that has the potential to affect rural areas of the Czech Republic.

The book Amenity Migration to Rural Areas of the Czech Republic is an important contribution to research on utility migration. The book provides a comprehensive view of this phenomenon and its implications for rural areas.


Other publications

1. Understanding and Managing Amenity-led Migration in Mountain Regions (May 15-19, 2008)

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2. The Czech Migration for Amenities

Michael Bartoš, Drahomíra Kušová, JanTěšitel & Laurence A.G.Moss

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3. Motivation and Life Style of the Czech Amenity Migrants (Case Study)

Michael Bartoš, Drahomíra Kušová, Jan Těšitel

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4. Beyond Tourism: the Amenity Migrants
Laurence A.G. Moss
5. The Mountain Amenity Migration Phenomenon:
Why It Is Happening and Our Response
Laurence A.G. Moss